Brandon Johnson Minimizes Mass Looting in Chicago, Wants You to Call Them ‘Large Gatherings’ and Not ‘Mobs’

A large mob of mostly “teens” looted a 7-11 in Chicago. According to reports police officers arrested 3 dozen individuals including a 12-year-old and a 20-year-old.

Chicago Contrarian shared the viral video of the looting that took place and added:

“Even if this 7-11 has insurance, it was looted, looting is a crime, and the looters deserve to be demonized and prosecuted.”

The massive mob looting of the 7-11 has been called a “teen takeover”. One bystander shared that it started as an enormous gathering of primarily teens and one small group formed the looting and others followed suit.

The gathering devolved rather quickly and police shared they had no other choice but to arrest those taking part in the looting and destruction.

“Mass looting and chaos in Chicago following another “teen takeover”

When Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was asked questions about the altercation the reporter referred to the looting teenagers as a mob. This reference appeared to anger Johnson, who then rebuked the reporter for using the term. Johnson insisted that events like those be called “large gatherings”

He told the reporter, “That’s not appropriate we’re not talking about mob actions, I didn’t say that… these large gatherings.” Another reporter interjected, “They cause damage.”

Johnson continued, “These large gatherings, just hold on a second you all, I promise you we have time to talk. It’s important that we speak of these dynamics in an appropriate way.”

He then insisted, “This is not to obfuscate what actually taken place.”

“Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson minimizes mass looting over the weekend He scolds a reporter for using the term “mob” and says we should instead call them “large gatherings”

Johnson who has been said to be left or former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is taking on the language of the reporters used to describe criminal activity perpetrated in the city. Johnson it seems is insisting on using softer and kinder language, which isn’t exactly clear.

It seems to some he may be trying to change at least how things are being reported in Chicago as the city has a horrible reputation for criminal activity.

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Chicago has a long history of looting, dating back to the 1960s. However, the looting that occurred in the summer of 2020 following the death of George Floyd was particularly destructive. In the days and weeks that followed, businesses were looted and burned across the city, causing millions of dollars in damage.

The negative effects of criminal looting in Chicago are far-reaching. In addition to the immediate financial losses, looting also has a number of long-term consequences.

The most obvious impact of looting is the economic damage it causes. When businesses are looted, they lose inventory, equipment, and even their entire premises. This can lead to job losses, a decline in tax revenue, and a decrease in economic activity.

In the case of Chicago, the looting that occurred in 2020 is estimated to have cost the city $800 million in economic losses. This includes the cost of repairing damaged property, lost sales, and increased insurance premiums.

Looting also has a negative social impact. When businesses are looted, it can create a sense of insecurity and fear among residents. This can lead to a decline in foot traffic, which can further hurt businesses.

In addition, looting can also lead to an increase in crime. When people see that looting is tolerated, they may be more likely to commit other crimes. This can create a cycle of violence and instability in a community.

The psychological impact of looting can also be significant. When people see their businesses or homes looted, it can be a very traumatic experience. This can lead to feelings of anger, sadness, and fear.

In some cases, the psychological impact of looting can be even more lasting than the economic or social impact. People who have been traumatized by looting may have difficulty sleeping, concentrating, or trusting others. They may also experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

There is no easy way to prevent looting. However, there are a number of things that can be done to reduce the risk of it happening.

One important step is to improve police visibility and response times. This can help to deter potential looters and make it more difficult for them to carry out their crimes.

Another important step is to work with businesses to improve their security measures. This includes installing security cameras, alarms, and gates.

Finally, it is important to build strong community relationships. This can help to create a sense of trust and cooperation, which can make it more difficult for looting to occur.

The negative effects of criminal looting in Chicago are far-reaching. It is important to take steps to prevent looting and to address its long-term consequences. By working together, we can make our city a safer and more prosperous place for everyone.

By Liam Donovan
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